Monday, July 15, 2013

SUNDAY SERMON from HOYBOYS.NET- thermotron holland michigan church goers


whorking at thermotron-- and the new bread of church goers--

holland michigan dutch and christian church -- and the Westley church in-particular -- has sponsored the most thermotron liar cheats back stabbing slanders --

i was taught that it is ok to liec cheat and embessle -- because every one is like that

thomas bannach- Peanut and GayMan-- yes AT thermotron

yes thomas bannach

at thermotron he liked to call his co workers GAY -- because he is a SeXUAL prevert,

he had a "relationship" with the different liar and thieves-- that he "LOVED"

Jeff Dunham - Minding The Monsters - Achmed thermotron

at thermotron

you can get your training here and feel good about your self