Tuesday, April 8, 2014

thermotron employee-- Bullies from - management training

yes at thermotron

the management stragy was "make it hard" on your co worker

and if you don't go along-- they attack you

Dean tripp Former thermotron employee– conspires with co workers- build a case..

by dumbass1thermotron

Dean tripp Former thermotron employee

Dean Tripp was the 2nd person from the west coast to apply for retire benefits, he Hoped they would stay in business long enough to collect his investment,

he was drummed out just as thomas bannish left the west coast as the manager their,

Berry Wright replaced thomas bannach as the West coast LA manager

Berry wright said — well what do you think of dean tripp??

” well — thomas bannach sends him to lie to the angry customers– and then he lies to his co workers– and embezzles on his travel time and his lab0r time– BUT Gregory v Johnson lies to him about his co workers–and they both agree– that it’s OK behavior..

i guess you would call him a “Creep”

This was just prior to Daniel J Okeefe drumming out and pink slipping employee’s that were going to be retirement vested..

with the new law..

Thermotron where fraud and swindling is the face of the company at this time

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