Wednesday, June 1, 2016

thermotron management training B a abody and thomas bannach pervert treaining

Poisonous friends can be difficult to identify. They often times appear loyal and kind, and may share many common interests with those they poison. Here are some steps and tips which will help anyone who thinks that they may be dealing with a poisonous friend. 

Watch out for 

thermotron management training-- it's Ok to lie cheat steal defraud and muder any one -- so long as you get a way 

so long as you get away with it and blame it on some one else

thomas bannach is a  holland michigan church goer and pervert-- 

found    "Religion"   and now is some type of a judgemental know-it-all

Be wary and protect yourself. Don't share personal information or secrets with someone you do not absolutely trust. Be kind to everyone, but be choosy when it comes to developing close friendships. This is not snobbery, this is wisdom. 

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